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Katelin Chan: Love Lots

I want to talk about love.

I mean real, unconditional love.  Truth be told, perhaps I still haven't found love for myself at this age.  But somehow, I have witnessed what it's like with my friends Anna and Michael.

                                                    There we are during their wedding day.

Do you ever get this feeling during weddings where it seem full of promise and hope of a fruitful and happy life together as a couple? Well, except me of course where a lot would always ask me "Teh ikaw ya san-o?" (How about you?  When are you getting married?)  Sorry to disappoint you aunties and uncles, this girl may not ever get married. Hey, it's a possibility.  Especially now, I seem to dislike men so much (not all) for certain reasons.

Anyway, going back to this couple.  I am a fan of Anna and Michael.  It was a difficult pregnancy for Anna which included an operation to remove a cyst and German measles on her first trimester. Their strength was further challenged when they discovered that their first born child has an affliction. She has hydrocephalus or "water in the brain" and myelomeningocele.  Hydrocephalus in itself in early infancy could be fatal and much worst if its coupled with myelomeningocele (where the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth) which put the infant at risk due to infection.  Kate has suffered numerous encounters of that.

Therefore, as an information to those who are not aware of this sickness, a child who has this have the following symptoms:
 1. a larger than normal head
 2. a defect in the backbone whereby there is incomplete formation of the spine bones causing the spinal    cord  and meninges (the tissues that cover the spinal cord) that stuck out her back. 
 3. loss of bladder and bowel control
 4. complete lack of sensation
 5. complete paralysis of both her legs
 6. complete weakness of the hips, legs and feet
 7. clubfoot
 8. buildup of fluid inside her skull.

The pathogenesis of the infection is hard to delineate although further studies are being conducted up to this date.  The point is according to Michael, some parents usually choose to abort the pregnancy once they have discovered that their unborn child has this disease.  But not this extraordinary couple who chose to keep the baby.  Hope is slim but yet - they did hope.  They said Kate won't last long - but still just as her parents are strong, so is the child.  

                                              Kate with her loving parents Michael and Anna

It takes character and a higher level of love that some could not ever attain in this lifetime to make this hard decision.  I don't know how it feels to be a parent or to be even a sister since I'm an only child.  Yet, knowing Anna and Michael proved to me that once you are there, you would do anything for your child.  And I am sure that is love.  The one that is real.  The one where it doesn't have anything in it for you.  Unconditional and transcending. It is love when all you do is give and where you do not expect anything in return but just to have a moment longer with that other person you love.  I want that kind of love too.  Someday.  I want someone to feel that same way for me too.

                                                                        Me and Kate

I am fortunate to spend Kate's first birthday.  She is indeed our miracle baby. I am so happy to be a part of the life of this little angel.  There is a purpose why she has been given to both my friends.  God knows they are the best ones to take care of her. 

                                             Kate in her birthday dress by Leianza Couture

                                         Such a Diva! Daw sa akon ka gid nag mana! hahaha

                                                             Enjoying her celebrity night 

                                                     Change costume na for the last pictorial

                                                 with Kate's titos na mga sunoy :p and titas :)

We all love you baby. As the Korean adage goes...  Aja!  Fighting~ :)

From Leia's beautiful mind 07/11/12


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