Marcus Aurelius once said "We live but for a moment".
That statement rings true. I lost a client turned friend last week after she succumbed to cancer. Not a lot of people know we were friends but we were the kind of friends who chat late at night and just bears all of our concerns, worries, anxieties about our businesses and yes... frustrations about life and love life.
You won't see us hanging out or even just having coffee or attending events together. Our friendship was mostly online. And yet, it was one of the most real and no pretense kind of friendship that we had. And why not? We had a lot in common. We are both in our 30s, single, hardworking and driven women who wants to get things done. We are the type to take care of everything and everyone and who seemed from the outside in control of it all.
It is during late at night we take our masks off and when we feel most vulnerable. How alone we feel and how tired we are from all the hustling and the pressures we face daily. I was one of the first people she told when she got diagnosed with cancer. I admire her strong will to continue to live and work normally even when the doctor already told her she did not have a long time to live. She carried on. She did what needed to be done. That was the kind of strength she had. A true dynamo.
I still long for her messages at night and long to see her name pop in my Messenger even when I know it will never happen anymore. Yet I am happy that she is finally with her Creator, and finally get the rest she so longed for. I only hope she also enjoyed her time here with us and felt loved too.
Indeed life is but for a moment. It is also a reminder for me to live it at the fullest and not just waste away buried in my work. That I should look up more and see the beauty this world has to offer and the people that are in it. Time. Perhaps there are also more people like us who seem strong during the day, but crumbles at night who just need someone to talk to. Time indeed is a gift. It is something we can give yet can never take back. Time cannot be manufactured.
Thank you Jesus that she is now in Your loving arms. As for us, we continue to soldier on. Life is still beautiful despite its cracks.
Ahh... life.
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