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Oh to be Back and Renewed!

I started this blog back in 2012.  My last post was still last 2016.  Now four years after and I am back! 

So what took me so long?  Life happened.  I cannot put into detail everything that has transpired since then.  I shall only share one of the most significant event that happened in my life after all these years.


By what? Did I go through a life and death situation? An accident?  Actually I died.  Yes you read that right.  Rather, the old me has died.

I decided to retain all my previous posts here when I was still so young and foolish and thought I knew it all.  Reading them again made me cringe. What was I thinking back then? Well I'm leaving them here for you readers to peruse. It's still a blessing to see and compare how far I have grown and changed over the years.

I didn't realize I had been so blind and my eyes were covered by scales that I could not see the light.  I thought I was living my life to the fullest, enjoying my time and labor here on earth, partying like crazy.  I lived my life with no regard to my soul.  I didn't understand it, I didn't put any premium on my soul. I knew of the Holy Spirit of course since I grew up in a strict Catholic upbringing.  I knew of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, I didn't really know them.

Come  2016 and I stepped foot into church again after not going to church for some years.  This time a Christian Church.  I've been invited to some Christian churches before but I never really found a home.  I just attend then don't come back.  I thought back then that the people were not my crowd and they were boring people who do not know how to have fun. I loved my parties and drinking.

A friend, now my boyfriend, invited me to the church he is going to and to my surprise the pastor was actually a college classmate of mine.  His wife invited me to join their small group, she spent her time with me doing One2One, making me understand who Jesus is, and slowly removing the scales that were covering my eyes by God's grace.  I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  In 2017, I died.  Then I was born again into God's family.

Once a slave to sin, now an heir.  Once God's enemy, now His own. Once blind, now I can see.  Once defeated, now redeemed. 

Now that I am back, and oh how I have missed writing, I hope to use this blog as an avenue where I could spread God's love.  I am now a Christian (a part of Christ's family) but in no way did I become perfect or a know it all or someone who has now the authority to raise my eyebrows and condemn people who are exactly like me once.

I still make so many mistakes, I falter in my faith many times too.  I also say the wrong things at the wrong time, judge people when I shouldn't, and other things too many to mention. But what is important is,  I know I have done these things and I am quicker to realize it and say sorry and repent and start all over again.

Just like this blog, I am starting all over again. Hoping this time with more depth and soul.  I don't know if you would still find this blog fun to read since you have been used to my neurotic articles and dark poetry and biting remarks. Let's see shall we? 

- from Leia's Beautiful Mind


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