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Friends and a Cup of Tea

Tonight I invited my long-time friends to a belated birthday dinner.  We ate at FOGO, a mexican restaurant near to our own restaurant.  I like simple gatherings and meet-ups like this.  We don't really see each other often and don't talk everyday but it is comforting to know that we have maintained our ties with each other for many years now since our student days.

I like long-term friendships.  We meet a lot of new people along the way but it is with long time friends that we feel at home the most because of shared experiences.  I realized how I miss conversing with people my own age and level of maturity.  We continuously learn from each other through an exchange of new learnings and experiences from our adult life.

at Fogo (which means Fire)

Eds, Mardyl and I were college classmates.  We were also groupmates in our Senior Project Video Documentary output which WE WON by the way ;) We really are unexpected friends.  I thought our friendship would end after we graduated college but it was after that it blossomed more.  Mardyl was always there for me during my happiest and lowest time.  Even when she lived in Korea she never failed to ask how I was.  I'm thankful to Eds for introducing me to a nice guy for a change. :) Bad boys no more.  So Eds is the key.

 I still remember our little adventure while we were doing that documentary in Don Salvador.  We really were risky girls to be going there just by ourselves camera in hand.  What we didn't realize was there was no public transportation going back to Bacolod.  Since we didn't want to stay there come sundown, we decided to hitch in a stranger's vehicle.  Next was to hitch on a sugarcane truck back to Bacolod. LOL Mom was so mad at me after I told her. Nevertheless, our sacrifices paid off in the end.

Mardyl introduced me to Julie maybe two or three years ago.  We seldom see each other but it's always fun when she's around.  She's really a ball to be with especially during parties because the girl is game.  There's no dull moment with her.

Rachelle was also my college classmate. Actually we got closer after college.  We have witnessed each other's ups and downs in life. I admire this girl because despite what she has been through, life goes on with her.  Like, can you believe she's already a mother of two? 
 It saddens me a bit that two of my closest friends wasn't able to come though.

BESTIE!!! I didn't know you came home. huhu I have known Jenna since my early high school days in the I.S. We ate lunch together, hang out together, wore our hearts on our sleeves with each other, there are no secrets with us.  Though she lives in Cebu now and rarely see each other, she and I have already forged a friendship that's hard to shake.  We will always find home in each other's company.
Of course my love... Lovelyn.  We share everything, every detail of our conquests, failures, echo each other's WHYS in life.  She's the person I am most comfortable with seeing my weakness.  She's the person I was with when I tripped down at Lacson street from drinking too much soju. HAHA Whether one of us is right or wrong, we are the kind of friends who never judge the other's decision even if we do not agree with those decisions sometimes.  Yet, we're always there to defend the other no matter who is right or wrong. 
It makes me realize how blessed I am as a person to have known these people.  Old friends indeed validate our sense of self.  Not only are they there to make us feel comfortable but they are there to accept the whole you and even your flaws.  We don't need to be somebody else with them, we can be completely ourselves and not fear being rejected.

our designated driver.

her passengers.

Ended the night at Miren for a cup of tea because Gypsy Tea House only have iced tea. HUWAATTT?!?!  So we've reached the point na pa tea tea nalang. Indi na Red Horse? lol  We act like aunties.                                                     

When serving tea, friendship is better than fine china.
Indeed.  The place, the china, and even the tea don't matter.  It's the company you are with that is most important. Thank you for sharing all this time with me.  I wouldn't be who I am now if you weren't a part of it.  I love you girls.

-from Leia's beautiful mind 02/22/14


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