Today is my last day being 28 years old. I can't believe it I'm so old! Huhuhu I swear I don't feel like my age and still think that I am a teenager sometimes.
In my twenty eight years here on earth, here are some of my realizations:
1. I can no longer party til sunrise. I just grew tired of it. When I was just in my early to mid-twenties, it's like my friends and I have this desire to always plan our Friday or Saturday nights. There was no way I was sitting home on a weekend. Indeed, I think the party girl in me has died. When I go to a club or a bar now, which is mind you, seldom and near to never, I don't seem to enjoy it as much. How could I when majority of the crowd are clumsy students who act like they earn their own money? Kids today, bah hambug! Like I didn't? Well no, I didn't! For the record, I never partied like a freak when I was just a student and only started when I was earning my own moolah.
2. I had to let go. They say if you truly love someone you should fight for it. I realized it's not always the case. It's been years and years since my last relationship. People thought that I am just picky and has not moved on. On the contrary, I don't consider myself a picky person. I guess I just used that reason as a front so people would leave me alone. I'm not choosy, I was just waiting for the perfect gentleman. Someone who would treat me right and respect me and what I stand for. Why fight for someone who won't fight for you? What is the point? I would like to share this to early twenty something ladies that there would come a time that even if you think this person is the love of your life, you just have to let go when he is not for you and is not doing you any good. Let go and let God.
3. Career change. This was a big decision. For five years, my company has become my comfort zone. I've mastered routine, the necessary discipline needed to be effective and efficient in my job and to build good relationship with different people. However, since I started working here I've always known that what I wanted for myself is different. I still crave the excitement, the adventure, the adrenaline and the flexibility in time which unfortunately is too far from my current job. The adrenaline rush in working as a CSA comes when it's the end of the day and you have a cash difference. That's it. lol
I love my colleagues. They are like my second family to me and that is the hardest part about leaving this job. I've built good friendships with these people. However, one day I just realized while going through my phone book that majority of my contacts are from my company. I don't hang out with people outside my circle anymore. I don't know a lot of people anymore. Therefore I took a leap and made THE decision to resign and work in our business for the meantime while I try my best to achieve and live the adventure I crave for. I need my time flexible for now and travel. See a different spectrum. I've also began to reunite and reconnect with my old friends, acquaintances and classmates. I think I made the right choice because I feel light and happy.
The one thing that I am dying to do is a job with a purpose. I want a reason to wake up to everyday...that I woke up because in my waking up, I could affect someone's life out there. I do not just want to get up every morning because I have to and it is required of me. I want to experience real life and witness for myself the pains other people go through and make me realize that I am still so blessed to have this kind of life. I want to make a difference and not just live for myself.
4. I should not neglect my health. Before sleeping for only three or two hours was no big deal. I was like superwoman. Unlike anybody I know, I can still work well and finish things with only little amount of sleep. I was like on autopilot. My major Mass Communications had really trained us to live this kind of lifestyle. Right now, I get sick quite often. My immune system is not as good as it was before. I did not sleep well, I ate very little and took no vitamins to sustain me. Right now I began to appreciate vitamins.
I attended this presentation by USANA and was impressed by their products. Now in its 4th edition, Lyle MacWilliam’s Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements names USANA products the best of the best. Think about it. The book would not have reached the 4th edition if the data contained therein is not valid right? The book compared 1,500 nutritional products in North America to an independent nutritional benchmark developed from the individual recommendations of 12 recognized nutritional authorities. The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements recently awarded USANA its highest distinction possible—the NutriSearch Gold Medal of Achievement™—and selected USANA as its Editor’s Choice.
The drawbacks? USANA products are expensive. But why not? We spend relentlessly for gadgets that would be obsolete in a few years, spend money for entertainment and expensive coffee, why not invest for our health? Why I choose to consume expensive vitamins instead of other more cheaper ones? Because my body deserves the best. Because I worked to live and not to get sick young or die young. As evidenced, USANA is the best there is. So why not?
In my twenty eight years here on earth, here are some of my realizations:
1. I can no longer party til sunrise. I just grew tired of it. When I was just in my early to mid-twenties, it's like my friends and I have this desire to always plan our Friday or Saturday nights. There was no way I was sitting home on a weekend. Indeed, I think the party girl in me has died. When I go to a club or a bar now, which is mind you, seldom and near to never, I don't seem to enjoy it as much. How could I when majority of the crowd are clumsy students who act like they earn their own money? Kids today, bah hambug! Like I didn't? Well no, I didn't! For the record, I never partied like a freak when I was just a student and only started when I was earning my own moolah.
2. I had to let go. They say if you truly love someone you should fight for it. I realized it's not always the case. It's been years and years since my last relationship. People thought that I am just picky and has not moved on. On the contrary, I don't consider myself a picky person. I guess I just used that reason as a front so people would leave me alone. I'm not choosy, I was just waiting for the perfect gentleman. Someone who would treat me right and respect me and what I stand for. Why fight for someone who won't fight for you? What is the point? I would like to share this to early twenty something ladies that there would come a time that even if you think this person is the love of your life, you just have to let go when he is not for you and is not doing you any good. Let go and let God.
3. Career change. This was a big decision. For five years, my company has become my comfort zone. I've mastered routine, the necessary discipline needed to be effective and efficient in my job and to build good relationship with different people. However, since I started working here I've always known that what I wanted for myself is different. I still crave the excitement, the adventure, the adrenaline and the flexibility in time which unfortunately is too far from my current job. The adrenaline rush in working as a CSA comes when it's the end of the day and you have a cash difference. That's it. lol
I love my colleagues. They are like my second family to me and that is the hardest part about leaving this job. I've built good friendships with these people. However, one day I just realized while going through my phone book that majority of my contacts are from my company. I don't hang out with people outside my circle anymore. I don't know a lot of people anymore. Therefore I took a leap and made THE decision to resign and work in our business for the meantime while I try my best to achieve and live the adventure I crave for. I need my time flexible for now and travel. See a different spectrum. I've also began to reunite and reconnect with my old friends, acquaintances and classmates. I think I made the right choice because I feel light and happy.
The one thing that I am dying to do is a job with a purpose. I want a reason to wake up to everyday...that I woke up because in my waking up, I could affect someone's life out there. I do not just want to get up every morning because I have to and it is required of me. I want to experience real life and witness for myself the pains other people go through and make me realize that I am still so blessed to have this kind of life. I want to make a difference and not just live for myself.
4. I should not neglect my health. Before sleeping for only three or two hours was no big deal. I was like superwoman. Unlike anybody I know, I can still work well and finish things with only little amount of sleep. I was like on autopilot. My major Mass Communications had really trained us to live this kind of lifestyle. Right now, I get sick quite often. My immune system is not as good as it was before. I did not sleep well, I ate very little and took no vitamins to sustain me. Right now I began to appreciate vitamins.
I attended this presentation by USANA and was impressed by their products. Now in its 4th edition, Lyle MacWilliam’s Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements names USANA products the best of the best. Think about it. The book would not have reached the 4th edition if the data contained therein is not valid right? The book compared 1,500 nutritional products in North America to an independent nutritional benchmark developed from the individual recommendations of 12 recognized nutritional authorities. The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements recently awarded USANA its highest distinction possible—the NutriSearch Gold Medal of Achievement™—and selected USANA as its Editor’s Choice.
The drawbacks? USANA products are expensive. But why not? We spend relentlessly for gadgets that would be obsolete in a few years, spend money for entertainment and expensive coffee, why not invest for our health? Why I choose to consume expensive vitamins instead of other more cheaper ones? Because my body deserves the best. Because I worked to live and not to get sick young or die young. As evidenced, USANA is the best there is. So why not?
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I'm taking USANA Essentials. The Mega Antioxidant and the Chelated Mineral. Both should be taken together. |
More on my experience taking this soon. I'm still in the first stages of the detoxifying process. Post more about this very soon.
5. Trying my hand in sales. Mother has always this opinion about me that I have a weakness in sales. She said I am still shy in dealing and selling to people. I agree that it is something I have to improve on if I want to succeed in business. In fairness to me, I've also realized that it is something I could be good at with more practice. I happen to enjoy being in Marketing at my current company and never had a client complained about me (behavior or service) in my 5 years in BDO. Is it because I look intimidating? haha I hope not. Hoping it's because I deal well.
Anyway, while I was at this newly opened spa, I met with my mom's long time friend who is one of the best in the country in her field. I am amazed with this woman and the countries she has traveled to. Woman got skills! She told my mom to leave me to her as she is offering to be my mentor after I leave my current job. I want to try anything. I want to try something that I think I'm not still good at. I want to try something that scares me. So what the heck, why not?
6. Do not listen to the birdies telling me to settle down and have kids because I'm not getting any younger. Marriage is not a race. I cannot settle down with someone without having to figure out what my purpose in life is. I just can't because I do not want to have many regrets in the future and be bitter towards my family. That is just not fair. I will marry when I am ready in all aspects of my life.
7. It takes a bit long to lose weight when you are nearing your 30's than when it was when you were a teenager or early 20's. I gained some weight during the holidays and because I started dating a wonderful guy who likes to ask me out to eat. Hence, the weight gain. Thankfully I got my hands into USANA Nutrimeal. Thank God for this discovery. It claims to make you lose 10 lbs in 5-10 days.
What's good about this product is that this is not to be considered fully a diet. This is losing weight the healthy way. It is plant-based and low glycemic product. This is a meal replacement and it would be best if I would follow the program strictly without taking any heavy meals for the meantime to see the result. If food cravings surges, it is best to opt for fruits or vegetables or some crackers.
The Usana Nutrimeal is a good option for detoxification purpose where
you go through a few days without taking too much heavy food like meat
and rice. You can mix it with Usana’s Fibergy and your detoxification
will be more complete. This combination is best for those who like to
improve their bowel movements and system within their body which will
promote better digestion.
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Available in 4 flavors of: Chocolate, Wild Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate Whey | . |
I will post more about this too and my personal result about the product so you will have a basis if you decide to try this as well.
8. Talk to God everyday. Because I am always tired I sometimes neglect to pray. There was also a time when I think God is deaf to my prayers because nothing seems to be going right for me. I also think of people telling me "in the right time" that they don't know what they are talking about because things are going excellent for them. But you know, I think they're right. God is finally taking notice of me. No, God never turned His back to me. It was more the other way around. So right now, I am finally coming home.
9. If I don't take risks, nothing is ever going to change. I took the risk to go out of my comfort zone and I am taking a risk to open my heart once again. I cannot say that I am so sure and confident about this but what I am sure about is that this is what I want. If I fail again, well at least I failed doing what I want. But, hoping for the best.
10. You outgrow some of your friends. You can't be a chicken if you are an eagle. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean I am better than some of them or that I should stop speaking to them. I just mean that I need to experience something different. Eventually, I have to consciously be with another set of people congruent to my beliefs because they will influence and inspire me to what is possible for myself.
I want to quote from another blog writer. She said "you want an amazing marriage- stop hanging out with people who constantly bitch about their husbands, or create drama with sleeping around with idiots."
I need to surround myself with the right people. That's why I've been mingling with different kinds of people lately to open my mind and to open new doors for me. I still have much to learn and I cannot do that if I am forever a fixture in only one circle.
So here are my realizations. Here's to a entering 29 with a bang!
"So what if I'm 29? I still look younger than you sweetie." - :p
- from Leia's beautiful mind 02/16/14
I never realize I'm getting old. And I think it works in my advantage, Thinking about your age sometimes hinders you to do things you are still capable of and holding on stuffs you love most (I can never outgrow the Star Wars in me :-) ). So for me, age is just number, a virus, a psych, a magnetic pull..that will stop you from being ageless! And this is always been my wisdom "You will get old, if you stop being young!"