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My GM (General Motors) Diet Journey by Leia Mae "Yummy" Caliston

Say what?! General Motors?  Isn't that an automobile company?  What has the car giant know about dieting?

Okay, let me give you a background why I started this diet plan.  I am someone who hates the gym.  It bores me out of my mind.  I love dancing, I love yoga, but I equate the gym to a painful struggle.  Besides, I'm just not really comfortable working out with a lot of people and ummm... men.

As to why I started.  It is because I have gained weight.  I mean who wouldn't if you own a place that serves food?  Availability and access.  I used to be only 105 pounds and I panicked when I checked that I am already 115 pounds (here piggy piggy piggy...) .  Some people think they are giving me a compliment when they mentioned I gained weight and they think I got prettier but deep inside me I feel so insecure and I am not comfortable. I am used to my 105 pounds and I want to go back to that.

General Motors Diet or GM Diet was started by the General Motors Corp to keep their employees stay in shape.  This diet system involves the consumption of specific foods per day.  It’s unique diet plan help your to reduce close to 10-17 lbs in 7 days (depending on your bodies' response of course).  Not only does it improve the mental state and attitude of the person following the diet course, it also help you to cleanse and detoxify your body. According to recent studies, this diet plan is indeed effective in reducing excess pounds at a fast rate.(

 The Gm Diet is a seven-day weight loss management plan that consists mainly of selected fruits and vegetables, and strict amounts of meat.  It relies mainly on foods that are high in fiber and less in protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Basically this is the summary of the whole diet regimen:

 Here is my journey.


Today is the first day where you allow your body to be cleansed.  You may consume unlimited amount of fruits except bananas.  Fruits contain no starch, carbs or potassium unlike bananas.  Only fruits and lots of water shall be consumed.  Side effects for day one may be headaches and light headedness which is normal because of the lack of carbohydrates.  I experienced both.  That is why you have to drink lots and lots of water to minimize these effects. Here I chose to eat pears, apples and oranges.  Melons, watermelons, cantaloupe are also highly recommended since they keep you feeling full.

DAY 2:  VEGETABLES ONLY - Take one potato in the morning

Day 2 would dwell more on foods that can be easily digested by the gastrointestinal tract.  You may have one potato or one sweet potato for breakfast to keep you energized for the rest of the day.  A girl needs her carbs too. Or else, lipong much? 

For lunch I went to my friend Mardyl's restaurant Shaun's Diner since I am too lazy to prepare something and had requested their chef to prepare for me a vegetable salad with only the greens and vinaigrette and olive oil - no cheese, no mayo, no whatsoever fancy they put in there normally.  I must say, Day 2 is sooo sad for me.  I felt like a goat.  For dinner I also made myself another vegie salad this time with carrots and Mexican turnip (singkamas in vernacular).  Buringot mode.

DAY 3: FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - bananas are still not allowed. LOTS OF WATER

I'm beginning to get used to this.  It also cheered me up that I am going to eat fruits again today.  I noticed that my tummy got flatter after just two days.
I ate frozen peaches for breakfast. Yum!

Here I whipped myself up some fruit and vegetable salad consisting of lettuce, cucumbers and grapes.  Still vinaigrette and olive oil only for the dressing and nothing else.  In case you are wondering where to buy vinaigrette, just go to the salad section of your supermarket.  It is there.  If you cannot find it, Del Monte vinegar for salad dressing would do.  You can have as many fruits and vegetables as you want today.  Enjoy!


Now here is something interesting.  This is my favorite day.  It is because I do not feel hungry at all and I felt energized.  By the way, milk has to be SKIM MILK.  It is because full milk contains unnecessary nutrients that could be detrimental to your diet regimen. Are you trying to lose pounds or what? Just follow when I say, drink SKIM MILK.  You are allowed to consume up to 8 bananas today and three glasses of milk (breakfast, lunch and dinner).  Don't be a glutton!  You are not to drink unlimited amount of milk. Ha! You wish! :p

If you are still unsatisfied with this meal, you may make the GM Soup.  Here is the recipe:

  • 1 cup shredded cabbage
  • 1 cup sliced celery
  • 1 onion, minced
  • 2 sliced green peppers
Boil onion, peppers, cabbage and celery in water together with salt, pepper and herbs for flavoring. Any flavoring may be used as long as there is no fat included. Extra vegetables may be added except for beans as they add extra calories. Serve hot.

I did not make this soup.  I was already satisfied with just milk and bananas.

Today is also the perfect time for you to exercise.  Yes exercise! Have you forgotten diet and exercise go together? Don't be a lazy bone. Rampa ang kapa! Alert!


Finally some meat!  Oh protein how I've missed you!  Make sure however to consume only small servings of beef because if you abuse it, it will make your appetite worse.  You may eat beef soup, a hamburger patty and 6 tomatoes.

I am not comfortable with eating beef for breakfast or lunch.  So I made this TOMATO RICE (red rice) using very small amount of olive oil, garlic, onions and of course tomatoes.  I enjoyed eating this a lot.  I also munched on tomatoes as my snack.

For dinner I had a burger patty and tomatoes.  I miss the taste of meat.  If you do not like beef, you may substitute for chicken (skinless) or fish. If you do not like tomatoes, tomato soup would suffice.  What about pork?  According to my research you may eat pork but pork does not give you as much protein as beef does.  Personally, I would not eat pork.  It is because 1.) It is fatty! 2.) I do not eat pork anymore. 3.) Pork reminds me of a snobbish girl who thinks she's all that when she really looks like Porky Pig.  Uh-huh. Boo yah biatch!

                                                        "Put makeup on a pig, it is still a pig!"


Today is considered as the feast day of the GM Diet where you can have all the beef and vegetables you want.  You may think I ate and ate and ate today... but NO.  Lazy Bug bit me.  Too lazy to go out, too tired to cook.  My feast day became a fasting day.

For breakfast just cucumbers and BLACK COFFEE (no sugar, milk or cream)
You are allowed to drink coffee so long as it is black.  Black coffee is actually good as an appetite suppressant and it helps you burn more calories when you work out. So it is best to drink black coffee one hour before you workout.

For lunch, it is just pechay for me.  It has beef and vegetables no?  For dinner, I ate carne prita and laswa.


I have finally arrived at my last day. Yipee!  I woke up really craving for fruits.  I finished many many oranges that morning.  I'm like an animal. I seem to have forgotten that I get hyper acidity.  By lunch time my stomach was already feeling unwell because of all the acid I put in there.  Mom said she brought me vegetables for lunch.  When I opened what she got me, huhuhu (PANCIT!!!)  "These are not vegetables. I cannot eat this!"  Buringot mode.  I resorted to eating my very lonely LASWA.

You know it would be easier undergoing this diet if I could just hole up inside a cave with all my fruits and vegies. But to be surrounded by people who are eating REAL FOOD, THE BAD FOOD, THE DELICIOUS, SINFUL FOOD... makes me want to die inside.  But I have a goal.  I have to keep in mind that.....

I really had no choice but to go to the supermarket and buy some healthy groceries or starve on my last day.  I came home and made fruits and vegie salad and drank aloe vera juice to soothe my hyperacidity. 

Moment of Truth:  I weighed myself and lost 5 pounds.  I was a little disappointed because I was kind of expecting to lose more than 5 pounds.  But come to think of it, 5 pounds is not bad at all for just a one week diet.  Some diets would make you lose just 1 pound per week.  However, I felt happy when I tried on my jeans and my shorts, it got loose! So what I haven't lost in pounds, I compensated for inch loss.  I think it is better after all. We tend to forget that body weight is different from body mass.

I also advice would-be GM dieters to check your BMI (body mass index) first before you start the diet to know if your weight is healthy, underweight or overweight.  It would also give you a clearer picture of how much weight you want to lose.

I love this experience.  I would do this again and again.  I think this diet is helping us build a new lifestyle.  One that is cleaner and healthier.  After all, we are our own most valuable asset.  If we lose our health, we'll lose everything.  They say it is hard to change a lifestyle.  Yes, I agree. But I think it is harder and more expensive to get sick and be a burden to our loved ones.  If you think organic is expensive, try the hospital.

-from Leia's beautiful and sexy mind... 11/18/14


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