Cheers to the freakin' weekend I'll drink to that....yeah!!
Err..No, I won't since I am in front of my computer writing this blog post.
See, I used to enjoy partying all night til dawn in clubs/bars but I think I grew out of it. Before I start my rant, here are important details to know about me: I AM NOT A WILD CHILD, I STUDIED LIKE THE DEVIL DURING MY STUDENT DAYS (i.e.. I don't go out at all), AND THUS, I MADE "BAWI" AFTER I GRADUATED, I'M NOT ALCOHOLIC, I DON'T SMOKE, I DON'T FLIRT WITH MEN IN CLUBS, I DON'T GO HOME WITH STRANGE MEN, I JUST HAPPEN TO LOVE....DANCING. That's about the only reason why I go there in the first place. I love to absorb the music and the energy. So there, now that it's settled...
Begin rant.
I seem to have lost my interest in the club scene. Well perhaps because I've matured but mostly because the club is now filled with PREDATORS on the prowl for a willing or un-willing prey. Another is because it is now overcrowded by teenagers and minors who have absolutely no manners and young girls who dress like prostitutes. I, of course, is speaking in general. TO PARENTS WITH MISSING CHILDREN: try to check them out at your local bars or clubs. They're probably just grinding someone's d*** on the dance floor from behind. Don't be surprised if your little angels are pregnant before they reach the legal age. Just a heads up!
Okay here are some of the freaks I've noted that you would possibly encounter in clubs:
1. Middle-aged men with beer bellies
This group could range from middle-aged to downright Dirty Old Men. You know those that hang around and creepily looks at young girls in their skimpy clothes. They are lurking in the corner and leering. It's like they are waiting for "manna" to fall from heaven. Sometimes you can't blame them because there are really girls who make "patol" to them for I'm guessing - money.
Baw "tiyoy", are you pregnant? WTF are you doing here?
Don't you have wives and children to come home to?!
I think they are under the illusion that they still got "it". Whatever "it" is. No tiyoy, you no longer have the "it" factor. Those were of the past. Please accept it and stay home. You better not make a mistake of looking towards my direction. I may adore antiques and the classics but I certainly have no appreciation for ancient dinosaurs that ought to be fossilized.
2. O.A. Girls Screaming "Aaaaahhhhh! It's our song!!!!"
Bitch please! I know this doesn't really qualify you as freak-material. Maybe you're just too excited to hear your favorite song or the latest craze the DJ is playing. Nonetheless, it is effing annoying! And then when a friend just arrived, and they start screaming again "ahhhhhh!!!! So and so is here!!! ahhhhh!" I mean what the hell?! Do you really miss that person soooooo much? Well give them love, make "beso-beso", hug them, but you do not need to scream as if your water just broke.
And oh by the way, that isn't your song! It's everybody's song. Get over yourselves.
Have you gone mad? How is that your song? Did you
lose your virginity to that song?? It ain't your song. Period.
3. Chaka Khans.
"Chaka" is a gay lingo which means ugly, undesirable, disgusting, weird (in a bad way), and anything nega you can think of under the sun. Believe me when I say that there are a myriad of Chaka Khans in the club. But what I really hate about them is that they try to get close to you by narrowing your dance space thus trapping you, possibly hoping that you would actually give a sh** and dance with them. IN...YOUR...DREAMS!
Whenever you find yourself trapped by a Chaka Khan/s, do your best to break free from this ass****. I've no problem staying away from the CHAKA CLAN. That's because I'm an eternal snob at first glance so they are kind of afraid to approach me. I actually do that on purpose when I go to these kind of places because I do not want to be hit on. I put on my "Who the hell are you, do I know you?! Get outta my way" look. LOL Well that depends on you. If your intention is to meet men, then this won't work. But if you are like me who just wants to get her groove on and not be disturbed by the Chakas, then by all means, you may borrow my look.
If they are too stone-headed to get the signal, it's time to bring out this look:
Oh hell no, you did not just narrow my dance space.
Do you want to die?! I drink your blood!. LOL
My friend and I had this experience where we really wanted to dance but we do not have a table to put down our drinks for a while. So we asked one of the guys nearby if we could rest our drinks on their table for a while. We were so welcome. We didn't realize that he somehow "assumed" that it was a package deal; that just because we placed our drinks there, that he and his group of "chakas" could join us and even offered to buy us drinks. Jerks, we just want your table. Not you guys. okay? And so we left.
4. Ratchets
According to my research the word Ratchet comes the term "Hood Rat." A ratchet may possess some or all of these qualities mentioned below such as:
a. someone or something very ghetto
b. a woman with poor morals or is very generous with her vagina
c. anything extremely ghetto/hood or is/are socially unacceptable in most circles
d. is very unclean
e. a person that is out of hand, out of control or generally whack in some way
f. undesirable, coarse woman
You see them alright. They are the loud-mouthed, booty-shaking, panty-showing, table-dancing, guy-grinding, titty-pumping bunch. These girls do not seem to have the notion of "class" in their vocabulary. The "wild ones." Once you see them you are tempted to yell "Get a room!". They are also usually the ones you see so hammered by the end of the night or the ones responsible for that puke all over the sink in the ladies' room. Don't mess with a ratchet. They're like mongrels.
Got milk??
Oh... the things you learn from animals
Cat fight!
5. Jealous Bitches
So you're out there having innocent clean fun and dancing with your girls and suddenly you see some girl giving you dagger stares. If looks could kill. Or they may intentionally bump you. Really, there is no need to hate on a sistah just because she dresses better than you, dances better than you, looks better than you, got more male attention than you, and oh... more interesting and smarter than you. Right? As long as she isn't trying to steal your boyfriend, be cool. Perhaps you're mad jealous coz you caught boyfie checking this other chick out. Be mad at your boyfriend not the chick. Girls hate each other too much.
There was this one time (during my glory days at the club) I was out doing my own thing and turning the swagger on the dance floor total "hip-hoppera" style and people started to gather around me to watch, cheer, ogle, whatever. At the time, not to brag about it or anything, I was already popular among the Korean circle as the "dancing queen." I had my share of dance showdowns with Koreans and I never back down from a challenge. Suddenly there was this tall Korean girl who kept on intentionally bumping me from behind. I actually know her.
See that is one of my pet peeves. Being bumped intentionally. If someone wants a challenge, one only needs to ask. That's how my brainchild, a dance move I invented came to be. During that fateful night. I call it the TORTURE DANCE - a dance move I developed to drive away "undesirables" or rude people invading my space. It is so subtle that one would not actually think that they are being driven away purposely. But... yes it could hurt if they come too close.
My Torture Dance is basically krumping except that I actually hit the undesirables and make it appear "accidental" because they're just in the way. Subtle. My friends who have witnessed it can attest of its effectiveness. The space will clear in less than 3 minutes. For those of you who have no clue as to what krumping or "krumpin' " is, try to see this so you'll get the picture: (click the link below)
Krumpin' in Korea
It is a dance style based on a variety of moves of the entire body in an energetic and exaggerated way. It is to enable people to express their inner emotions - especially of anger and something that upsets them. It appears to be some sort of a rebellious dance. So yeah. Krumping benefits me in more ways than one.
Imma school you bitch! Get off my porch!
6. Too Cool to Dance Dudes
The select few who are actually hotties. Problem is, they know it. They would just stand around looking hot and acting cool like no woman will ever be good enough for them to dance. They usually come with their Band of Brothers. Those jock-types who stick together. Well they may be eye candies but I for one would prefer not to be with one because I know exactly what he's gonna be and that would be ....BORING. I don't do boring. Even if he's a hot guy.
7. The Korean Jumpers
I am amused at the same time annoyed by this. Why do they dance that way? You know jumping around from side to side. It looks very geeky and I'm sure you have seen it. Usually I don't mind but I do mind when a Korean is oblivious about him clumsily prancing around and steps on my foot! That does it!
8. The Playah
Now this one is serious stuff we should watch out for. The player knows his game and one must not become a pawn in this game. Usually good-looking, gallant, is good with words and has a way with the ladies. Just don't take anything this douche says seriously or you're just looking for trouble. He's not really interested in you as a person - you're just another conquest. Chances are he won't even remember your name the next morning. How's that?
Some say that you won't meet a decent person at a bar or club. There is a point in that but that is not entirely true. Like I already said it depends on your intention - if you go there to meet new friends, meet guys/girls, to hookup or just to plain dance. But if you are on the prowl for a potential partner for reals then best of luck to you since it's kind of hard to meet someone in there who is looking for a serious relationship. First, the place isn't really conducive for having a conversation. Second, bars or clubs are a hub for men or women looking for a good time or to get laid. But still, it is not impossible to meet Mr. Right. Hey, you can be anywhere and meet "the one." You may be pooping and lo and behold prince charming comes knocking on your door.
I'm sure there are still decent guys in there in a sea of freaks. Hey I'm a decent girl who sometimes go to clubs and I'm certain there are also good guys there. It all depends on the message you are sending across a person. Like your choice of clothes. Don't overdo it. If you dress like a prostitute, that's exactly how you will be seen or treated. You do not want to make a spectacle of yourself if you want a nice guy to approach you. You do not want to catch the attention of The Player. Players want aggressive women because they're easy and convenient. Like disposable sanitary napkins.
And please for the love of God, no matter how bitchy, horny or crazy you feel that night, DO NOT MAKE OUT IN THE CLUB. It's tacky and it makes other people feel uncomfortable. Learn how to enjoy yourselves without being cheap. Men do not wish to marry women with "loose morals" or someone who "has been around."
Oh well whatever floats your boat people! Happy weekend!
- from Leia's beautiful mind 08/05/12
Err..No, I won't since I am in front of my computer writing this blog post.
See, I used to enjoy partying all night til dawn in clubs/bars but I think I grew out of it. Before I start my rant, here are important details to know about me: I AM NOT A WILD CHILD, I STUDIED LIKE THE DEVIL DURING MY STUDENT DAYS (i.e.. I don't go out at all), AND THUS, I MADE "BAWI" AFTER I GRADUATED, I'M NOT ALCOHOLIC, I DON'T SMOKE, I DON'T FLIRT WITH MEN IN CLUBS, I DON'T GO HOME WITH STRANGE MEN, I JUST HAPPEN TO LOVE....DANCING. That's about the only reason why I go there in the first place. I love to absorb the music and the energy. So there, now that it's settled...
Begin rant.
I seem to have lost my interest in the club scene. Well perhaps because I've matured but mostly because the club is now filled with PREDATORS on the prowl for a willing or un-willing prey. Another is because it is now overcrowded by teenagers and minors who have absolutely no manners and young girls who dress like prostitutes. I, of course, is speaking in general. TO PARENTS WITH MISSING CHILDREN: try to check them out at your local bars or clubs. They're probably just grinding someone's d*** on the dance floor from behind. Don't be surprised if your little angels are pregnant before they reach the legal age. Just a heads up!
Okay here are some of the freaks I've noted that you would possibly encounter in clubs:
1. Middle-aged men with beer bellies
This group could range from middle-aged to downright Dirty Old Men. You know those that hang around and creepily looks at young girls in their skimpy clothes. They are lurking in the corner and leering. It's like they are waiting for "manna" to fall from heaven. Sometimes you can't blame them because there are really girls who make "patol" to them for I'm guessing - money.
Baw "tiyoy", are you pregnant? WTF are you doing here?
Don't you have wives and children to come home to?!
I think they are under the illusion that they still got "it". Whatever "it" is. No tiyoy, you no longer have the "it" factor. Those were of the past. Please accept it and stay home. You better not make a mistake of looking towards my direction. I may adore antiques and the classics but I certainly have no appreciation for ancient dinosaurs that ought to be fossilized.
2. O.A. Girls Screaming "Aaaaahhhhh! It's our song!!!!"
Bitch please! I know this doesn't really qualify you as freak-material. Maybe you're just too excited to hear your favorite song or the latest craze the DJ is playing. Nonetheless, it is effing annoying! And then when a friend just arrived, and they start screaming again "ahhhhhh!!!! So and so is here!!! ahhhhh!" I mean what the hell?! Do you really miss that person soooooo much? Well give them love, make "beso-beso", hug them, but you do not need to scream as if your water just broke.
And oh by the way, that isn't your song! It's everybody's song. Get over yourselves.
Have you gone mad? How is that your song? Did you
lose your virginity to that song?? It ain't your song. Period.
3. Chaka Khans.
"Chaka" is a gay lingo which means ugly, undesirable, disgusting, weird (in a bad way), and anything nega you can think of under the sun. Believe me when I say that there are a myriad of Chaka Khans in the club. But what I really hate about them is that they try to get close to you by narrowing your dance space thus trapping you, possibly hoping that you would actually give a sh** and dance with them. IN...YOUR...DREAMS!
Whenever you find yourself trapped by a Chaka Khan/s, do your best to break free from this ass****. I've no problem staying away from the CHAKA CLAN. That's because I'm an eternal snob at first glance so they are kind of afraid to approach me. I actually do that on purpose when I go to these kind of places because I do not want to be hit on. I put on my "Who the hell are you, do I know you?! Get outta my way" look. LOL Well that depends on you. If your intention is to meet men, then this won't work. But if you are like me who just wants to get her groove on and not be disturbed by the Chakas, then by all means, you may borrow my look.
If they are too stone-headed to get the signal, it's time to bring out this look:
Oh hell no, you did not just narrow my dance space.
Do you want to die?! I drink your blood!. LOL
My friend and I had this experience where we really wanted to dance but we do not have a table to put down our drinks for a while. So we asked one of the guys nearby if we could rest our drinks on their table for a while. We were so welcome. We didn't realize that he somehow "assumed" that it was a package deal; that just because we placed our drinks there, that he and his group of "chakas" could join us and even offered to buy us drinks. Jerks, we just want your table. Not you guys. okay? And so we left.
4. Ratchets
According to my research the word Ratchet comes the term "Hood Rat." A ratchet may possess some or all of these qualities mentioned below such as:
a. someone or something very ghetto
b. a woman with poor morals or is very generous with her vagina
c. anything extremely ghetto/hood or is/are socially unacceptable in most circles
d. is very unclean
e. a person that is out of hand, out of control or generally whack in some way
f. undesirable, coarse woman
You see them alright. They are the loud-mouthed, booty-shaking, panty-showing, table-dancing, guy-grinding, titty-pumping bunch. These girls do not seem to have the notion of "class" in their vocabulary. The "wild ones." Once you see them you are tempted to yell "Get a room!". They are also usually the ones you see so hammered by the end of the night or the ones responsible for that puke all over the sink in the ladies' room. Don't mess with a ratchet. They're like mongrels.
![]() |
Usually comes with an old Caucasian dude |
Oh... the things you learn from animals
Cat fight!
5. Jealous Bitches
So you're out there having innocent clean fun and dancing with your girls and suddenly you see some girl giving you dagger stares. If looks could kill. Or they may intentionally bump you. Really, there is no need to hate on a sistah just because she dresses better than you, dances better than you, looks better than you, got more male attention than you, and oh... more interesting and smarter than you. Right? As long as she isn't trying to steal your boyfriend, be cool. Perhaps you're mad jealous coz you caught boyfie checking this other chick out. Be mad at your boyfriend not the chick. Girls hate each other too much.
There was this one time (during my glory days at the club) I was out doing my own thing and turning the swagger on the dance floor total "hip-hoppera" style and people started to gather around me to watch, cheer, ogle, whatever. At the time, not to brag about it or anything, I was already popular among the Korean circle as the "dancing queen." I had my share of dance showdowns with Koreans and I never back down from a challenge. Suddenly there was this tall Korean girl who kept on intentionally bumping me from behind. I actually know her.
See that is one of my pet peeves. Being bumped intentionally. If someone wants a challenge, one only needs to ask. That's how my brainchild, a dance move I invented came to be. During that fateful night. I call it the TORTURE DANCE - a dance move I developed to drive away "undesirables" or rude people invading my space. It is so subtle that one would not actually think that they are being driven away purposely. But... yes it could hurt if they come too close.
My Torture Dance is basically krumping except that I actually hit the undesirables and make it appear "accidental" because they're just in the way. Subtle. My friends who have witnessed it can attest of its effectiveness. The space will clear in less than 3 minutes. For those of you who have no clue as to what krumping or "krumpin' " is, try to see this so you'll get the picture: (click the link below)
Krumpin' in Korea
It is a dance style based on a variety of moves of the entire body in an energetic and exaggerated way. It is to enable people to express their inner emotions - especially of anger and something that upsets them. It appears to be some sort of a rebellious dance. So yeah. Krumping benefits me in more ways than one.
Imma school you bitch! Get off my porch!
6. Too Cool to Dance Dudes
The select few who are actually hotties. Problem is, they know it. They would just stand around looking hot and acting cool like no woman will ever be good enough for them to dance. They usually come with their Band of Brothers. Those jock-types who stick together. Well they may be eye candies but I for one would prefer not to be with one because I know exactly what he's gonna be and that would be ....BORING. I don't do boring. Even if he's a hot guy.
7. The Korean Jumpers
I am amused at the same time annoyed by this. Why do they dance that way? You know jumping around from side to side. It looks very geeky and I'm sure you have seen it. Usually I don't mind but I do mind when a Korean is oblivious about him clumsily prancing around and steps on my foot! That does it!
8. The Playah
Now this one is serious stuff we should watch out for. The player knows his game and one must not become a pawn in this game. Usually good-looking, gallant, is good with words and has a way with the ladies. Just don't take anything this douche says seriously or you're just looking for trouble. He's not really interested in you as a person - you're just another conquest. Chances are he won't even remember your name the next morning. How's that?
Some say that you won't meet a decent person at a bar or club. There is a point in that but that is not entirely true. Like I already said it depends on your intention - if you go there to meet new friends, meet guys/girls, to hookup or just to plain dance. But if you are on the prowl for a potential partner for reals then best of luck to you since it's kind of hard to meet someone in there who is looking for a serious relationship. First, the place isn't really conducive for having a conversation. Second, bars or clubs are a hub for men or women looking for a good time or to get laid. But still, it is not impossible to meet Mr. Right. Hey, you can be anywhere and meet "the one." You may be pooping and lo and behold prince charming comes knocking on your door.
I'm sure there are still decent guys in there in a sea of freaks. Hey I'm a decent girl who sometimes go to clubs and I'm certain there are also good guys there. It all depends on the message you are sending across a person. Like your choice of clothes. Don't overdo it. If you dress like a prostitute, that's exactly how you will be seen or treated. You do not want to make a spectacle of yourself if you want a nice guy to approach you. You do not want to catch the attention of The Player. Players want aggressive women because they're easy and convenient. Like disposable sanitary napkins.
And please for the love of God, no matter how bitchy, horny or crazy you feel that night, DO NOT MAKE OUT IN THE CLUB. It's tacky and it makes other people feel uncomfortable. Learn how to enjoy yourselves without being cheap. Men do not wish to marry women with "loose morals" or someone who "has been around."
Oh well whatever floats your boat people! Happy weekend!
- from Leia's beautiful mind 08/05/12
hahaha. amen to that. i have met all these fckers yum. i like the pics. too funny :))
ReplyDeletehaha interesting read :)
ReplyDeletethanks you guys. haha im glad you enjoyed it.