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Showing posts from 2012

Pronunciation Nazi

Please allow me to be a total Nazi on the pronunciation of some words commonly mispronounced by Filipinos.  I am in no way perfect and just wanted to give you a "for-your-information" kind of post because you don't know how much I try to control myself not to correct you when I hear you mispronounce some words so as not to embarrass you publicly.  But you have to know that this is one of my pet peeves. 1. Firm/Confirm  correct pronunciation: ( fɜːm)/ (con"fur"m) mispronounced as: (fEErm)/(confEErm) I don't know how this started but ever since we were in primary, secondary and tertiary education it has always been pronounced with a short "i".  But nowadays I hear some people say it with the long "i".  i.e. I already "confEErmed" it with him.  And I was like: (?!!?!?!?!?!?!).  No people it is not a trend. Even if it is, it is not good to listen to. You sound uneducated. 2. Lettuce correct pronunciation: (letis) mispro...

The Freaks You Meet in a Bar/Club Scene

Cheers to the freakin' weekend I'll drink to that....yeah!! Err..No, I won't since I am in front of my computer writing this blog post. See, I used to enjoy partying all night til dawn in clubs/bars but I think I grew out of it.  Before I start my rant, here are important details to know about me: I AM NOT A WILD CHILD, I STUDIED LIKE THE DEVIL DURING MY STUDENT DAYS (i.e.. I don't go out at all), AND THUS, I MADE "BAWI" AFTER I GRADUATED, I'M NOT ALCOHOLIC, I DON'T SMOKE, I DON'T FLIRT WITH MEN IN CLUBS, I DON'T GO HOME WITH STRANGE MEN, I JUST HAPPEN TO LOVE....DANCING.  That's about the only reason why I go there in the first place.   I love to absorb the music and the energy. So there, now that it's settled... Begin rant. I seem to have lost my interest in the club scene.  Well perhaps because I've matured but mostly because the club is now filled with PREDATORS on the prowl for a willing or un-willing prey.  Another...


So Dora Lakwatsera strikes again this week. I'm in this mode where I want to go to places I haven't been to or things I haven't done no matter how embarrassing it may be.  I just want to try new stuff.  I guess this too provides some therapy for me since I think I've been caught up in the past and routine.  Time for a change. Okay first up.  GREAT PANDA AMUSEMENT.  This is one of my latest discovery and I have to say I was surprised that something like this would emerge from somewhere like Bacolod downtown area - a place notorious for hold-uppers, peddlers, pirated DVDs, merchandise made in China, well you get the picture.  I first read about this place from and they gave this a rave review and it got me curious and decided to check the place out myself.  Now I'm addicted.                        ...


What's great about being single is that we get to go to places and with people whom we like anytime and without a need for someone's approval.  Our time is ours and there is a sense of adventure.  It is the time to discover new things and places and meet new faces as well. So here are the places I went to just within Bacolod this week and I would like to share them with you. 1. SHABU NIKU It is a new Korean restaurant that opened here in Bacolod on the second floor of Shakeys Lacson and Bank of Commerce.  They divided the restaurant into two: the SHABU SHABU area and the YAKI NIKU area which is intended for grilled food.  We opted for the Yaki Niku. The place has an interesting interior.  It is ideal for group of friends or family.                                     ...