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Showing posts from August, 2012

The Freaks You Meet in a Bar/Club Scene

Cheers to the freakin' weekend I'll drink to that....yeah!! Err..No, I won't since I am in front of my computer writing this blog post. See, I used to enjoy partying all night til dawn in clubs/bars but I think I grew out of it.  Before I start my rant, here are important details to know about me: I AM NOT A WILD CHILD, I STUDIED LIKE THE DEVIL DURING MY STUDENT DAYS (i.e.. I don't go out at all), AND THUS, I MADE "BAWI" AFTER I GRADUATED, I'M NOT ALCOHOLIC, I DON'T SMOKE, I DON'T FLIRT WITH MEN IN CLUBS, I DON'T GO HOME WITH STRANGE MEN, I JUST HAPPEN TO LOVE....DANCING.  That's about the only reason why I go there in the first place.   I love to absorb the music and the energy. So there, now that it's settled... Begin rant. I seem to have lost my interest in the club scene.  Well perhaps because I've matured but mostly because the club is now filled with PREDATORS on the prowl for a willing or un-willing prey.  Another...