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Showing posts from September, 2012

Pronunciation Nazi

Please allow me to be a total Nazi on the pronunciation of some words commonly mispronounced by Filipinos.  I am in no way perfect and just wanted to give you a "for-your-information" kind of post because you don't know how much I try to control myself not to correct you when I hear you mispronounce some words so as not to embarrass you publicly.  But you have to know that this is one of my pet peeves. 1. Firm/Confirm  correct pronunciation: ( fɜːm)/ (con"fur"m) mispronounced as: (fEErm)/(confEErm) I don't know how this started but ever since we were in primary, secondary and tertiary education it has always been pronounced with a short "i".  But nowadays I hear some people say it with the long "i".  i.e. I already "confEErmed" it with him.  And I was like: (?!!?!?!?!?!?!).  No people it is not a trend. Even if it is, it is not good to listen to. You sound uneducated. 2. Lettuce correct pronunciation: (letis) mispro...